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Posted on:August 4, 2023 at 12:00 AM

This post describes a few applications of provider discovery.


Assume a person has a Google and an Twitter account. Further, assume they visit a website that supports four OpenID Connect authentication providers, namely, Google, Apple, Facebook and LinkedIn. The person (using some kind tool (e.g. a browser extension, etc.)) could configure their browser to include these two HTTP headers to disclose the two authentication providers that they’d like to use:

Sec-PD: type=OpenIDConnect; cfg=""
Sec-PD: type=OpenIDConnect; cfg=""

A ProviderDiscovery-compatible website would read these headers, realize that it supports one of the two options (Google) and display a “Continue with Google” button. It would read the image data for this button from in the OpenIDConnect section. In this way the website’s log in page isn’t cluttered with three extra buttons/options (Apple, Facebook, LinkedIn) that the person can’t use. Instead, it displays the one button (Google) that the user can and prefers to use.

Digital wallet

Assume a person has a Mee smartwallet installed on their mobile phone. Now assume they visite a website that supports OpenID SIOPv2. The person configures their browser to include the following HTTP header field:

Sec-PD: type=SIOPv2; cfg=""

The referenced PCF file (cdf.toml) would look something like this:

# Sample Provider Configuration File

title = "Provider Discoery File"
version = "1.0"  #version of Provider Discovery used by this file (e.g. 1.0)

image = ""
metadata = ""

The site reads the “Provider” header field, dereferences the config URL and reads the PCF file. It reads the image field to find the button image to display. It reads the metadata field and processes it per section 8.2 of Dynamic Self-Issued OpenID Provider Discovery Metadata. It presents a “Continue-with-Mee-Smartwallet” button linked to the discovered activation URL. The person presses this button, and is logged via their wallet.

Age Protect

Assume a person is a minor that wants to send the “Age Protect” signal to websites they visit. The minor has previously installed a browser extention that causes the browser to include the following HTTP header:

Sec-PD: type=AgeProtectv1

The site reads this the AgeProtectv1 type value. This tells the site to verify the age of the minor by requesting that the minor present an Age Protectv1-compatible Age Verification Record (AVR) Verifiable Credential from a digital wallet.

Taking this example a bit further, if the minor already has a relationship with a specific age verification provider, e.g. PRIVO, they could configure their browser extension to send an enriched HTTP header field:

Sec-PD: type=AgeProtect; cfg=""

The age-protect.pcf file would contain:

# Sample Provider Configuration File

title = "Provider Configuration File"
version = "1.0"  #version of Provider Discovery used by this file (e.g. 1.0)

image = ""
AVRissuanceURL = ""

This allows the website to display a Privo-branded “Verify Age with PRIVO” button, which when tapped resolves to the AVRissuanceURL.